Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

How to move emails from one server to another one

1. Install Thunderbird and Outlook on the same PC.
2. Configure POP3 accounts in Outlook and download all the emails from your current hosting provider to your local computer
3. Import mail from Outlook to Thunderbird. In Thunderbird, open the import wizard via Tools->Import menu.
4. Point the domain names to your new hosting account with us so it could resolve from our side
5. Please make sure to have the same email accounts created on the end of your new hosting provider
6. Create an IMAP account in Thunderbird.
7. Select all the imported emails, right click, select ‘move’, move them to your imap inbox. by default Thunderbird will sync email with new mail server, so it will begin to upload all the moved emails to the server.
8. That’s all. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

Change prefix of the database

Step1. Backup your Database
Create a backup copy of your WordPress database from your phpMyAdmin Web interface using the Export function. How to do that?
Log into your phpMyAdmin and select your WordPress database.
Click on the "Export" tab at the top.
Follow the instructions as shown in the image below.

Step2. Change all your WordPress Table Names
In your phpMyAdmin and from your WordPress database, select the SQL tab and enter the following commands to rename all your 11 tables at once and click "GO". Depending on what plugins you installed, you might have more tables starting with “wp_” prefix, that need editing, make sure to rename all tables.
For instance, let´s say you want to replace wp_ with wpr12f_, then Run the following SQLcommands as shown in the code and image below.
Rename table wp_commentmeta TO wpr12f_commentmeta;
Rename table wp_comments TO wpr12f_comments;
Rename table wp_links TO wpr12f_links;
Rename table wp_options TO wpr12f_options;
Rename table wp_postmeta TO wpr12f_postmeta;
Rename table wp_posts TO wpr12f_posts;
Rename table wp_terms TO wpr12f_terms;
Rename table wp_term_relationships TO wpr12f_term_relationships;
Rename table wp_term_taxonomy TO wpr12f_term_taxonomy;
Rename table wp_usermeta TO wpr12f_usermeta;
Rename table wp_users TO wpr12f_users;

If you can´t see the new table names, either refresh the page or logout from phpMyAfmin and log back in.
In my case single quotes around table names cause syntax error. In your case you might need to add single quotes.
Step3. Edit the _options Table
Now search the wpr12f_options table for any instances of the old prefix (wp_). To do this, select the wpr12f_options table and click on the “Browse” tab. You will see all the records stored in that table. Search under the option_name field and changewp_user_roles along with any other records (starting with wp_) created by plugins, custom scripts, and probably others. Rename any options that begin with wp_ to the new prefix. You can change each record by clicking on the "Edit" pencil image for that record.Make sure not to miss any records.

You can also execute a SQL command to find the records that need editing:
SELECT * FROM wpr12f_options WHERE option_name LIKE 'wp_%';
See the image below:

Step4. Edit the _usermeta Table
Now do the same thing for the wpr12f_usermeta table, search for all instances of the oldwp_ prefix. Select the wpr12f_usermeta table and then click on the “Browse” tab. Search under the meta_key field all records that start with the old wp_ prefix. Edit each record it by clicking on the "Edit" pencil image for that record. Make sure not to miss any records.

Do NOT edit any records starting with the prefix _wp_, but only records staring with the prefix wp_
You can also execute a SQL command here to find the records that needs editing:
SELECT * FROM wpr12f_usermeta WHERE meta_key LIKE 'wp_%';
See the image below:

Step5. Edit Your wp-config.php File
Now open your wp-config.php file and change your table prefix in from wp_ to whatever prefix you decide to use (wpr12f_ for this tutorial). Save and upload it to your server, as shown in the following code snippet:
 * WordPress Database Table prefix.
 * You can have multiple installations in one database if you give each a unique
 * prefix. Only numbers, letters, and underscores please!
//Rename the table prefix variable from the default 'wp_' to a new hard to
//guess and more secure prefix.
$table_prefix  = 'wpr12f_';
Step6. Test your WordPress Website
Now vigorously test your Website for proper functionality. Test your plugins, contact form, search field, posts, pages, comments, administration area, and anything else you can think of. If your Website is working as before, then the tables prefix change is a success.
Step7. Do Another Backup
Go ahead and do another backup of your database as a good and wise habit.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

How to configure Windows Live email client with Open-Xchange

  1. Launch Windows Live Mail from the Start Menu.
  2. Go to the Tools menu, and then select All Accounts.
  3. In the navigation column, click Add e-mail account.
  4. In the Email Address field, enter your full email address.
  5. In the Password field, enter your password.
  6. Select if you want to Remember Password.
  7. In the Display Name field, enter how you want your name to display when email is sent from this account, and then click Next.
  8. Select your server type and enter your Incoming POP or IMAP Server. 
  9. Incoming server Port:

    IMAP without SSL - 143
    IMAP with SSL - 993
    POP without SSL - 110
    POP with SSL - 995
  10. Select This server requires a secure connection (SSL) if you are using a port with SSL.
  11. Select to log on using Clear text authentication.
  12. In the Login ID field, enter your full email address.
  13. In the Outgoing server field, enter oxmail.registrar-servers.com
  14. Outgoing server Port:

    Without SSL - one of the following: 25
    With SSL - 465
  15. Select This server requires a secure connection (SSL) if you are using a port with SSL.
  16. Select My outgoing server requires authentication, and then click Next.
  17. Click Finish.
Posted in Arrangement, Art, Business

How To Use FTP Through the Command Line in Mac OS X

1. Connecting to an FTP Server

To establish a connection with an FTP server, you’ll need to know your username and password, in addition to the server you’re connecting to. To open a connection in Terminal (located in /Applications/Utilities), type the following command, replacing the underlined portions with your server:

ftp YourServerHere.com

After a few seconds, you’ll be prompted for your username and password by the server. Type those in, pressing enter after entering each piece of information.

2. Browsing Around

After you’ve gotten the “ftp>” line displayed, you can issue the FTP server a command. To list the files in a particular folder, type ls (that’s LS in lower-case), then press enter.

Files will have a dash (-) as the first character in the leftmost column and folders will have a d listed (the d stands for directory).

To navigate into a folder, type cd (as in “change directory”), followed by the directory name you want to change to. Then, press enter to send the command to the server.

So, if I wanted to list the files in my Documents Folder, I would first type in:

ftp> cd Documents

ftp> ls 

The files and folders in the Documents folder would then be listed. I could further navigate to another folder or download/upload a file to the current directory.

3. Uploading or Downloading from the Server

Download a file is easy. First, navigate to the folder containing the file you want to download. Next, type in the following command, specifying the file you want to download in place of the underlined text:

get file_name_here.pdf

Any files you download will appear in the Home directory of the currently logged in user on your Mac.

Uploading a file to the server is just as easy. Instead of “get”, you’re going to use “put” then the filename of the file on your local machine. So, if I had a file on my Desktop called Downloads.rtf that I wanted to put on the server in my Documents folder, I would type the following command:

put ~/Desktop/Download.rtf ~/Documents/Download.rtf

The first statement after the put command is the location on your local machine containing the file, in this case, ~/Desktop/Download.rtf; the second statement is the location on the server where the file should reside after upload, in this case ~/Documents/Download.rtf.

4. List of Commands

As you can see, the command line FTP client can be great when you’re in a pinch and need to do some basic FTP server work. Just to recap, here’s a list of the basic commands that you can use with the FTP client built into Mac OS X.

put filename - Upload a file to the server
get filename - Download a file from the server
mput filename - Put multiple files on the server
mget filename - Get multiple files on the server
ls - Get a list of files in the current directory
cd - Change directory
quit - Ends your ftp session

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